Yo buddy. The article stated at the beginning it's an Instant Pot recipe. But at the end, the instructions read decidedly Manual Pot-ish.

If you are using an actual Instant Pot, what are the specific instructions for that (i.e., settings and for how long)? For example, do you use the "Bean/Chili", "Slow Cook", or "Meat/Stew" button? Or the all purpose "Pressure Cook" button"

Thank in advance.

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Well, I make it in my instant pot, but you can make it any pot.

If you cook it on the stove, get it hot and then let it simmer as long as you can. For the Instant Pot, might as well use the Pressure Cook button and get 'er done. Shoot for 20 minutes. That's what I do.

Thanks for catching that. I'll clarify it!!!!

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