Mar 1, 2023Liked by Denis Faye, M.S.

This is a ridiculously broad question but since you asked. At what point/age does activity like running become more destructive than strengthening? I’m late 60s, a runner most of my life. I’ve not run as much recently. I’m lucky in that I’m healthy and physically sound. Will running mostly wear me out faster now? I’ve always enjoyed the soreness that follows some exercise and figured it means I’m getting stronger. Does it mean that anymore or am I just wearing things out? TIA.

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Hey Barbara - I suppose the obvious answer is "If you're getting stronger or, at least, maintaining fitness and it feels right, it probably is right."

I'm not a huge fan of setting limits based on purely age. I think you're better off working from how your body is reacting to the stimulus. I'm 52 and I still hammer out training rides with 20-year-olds. I'm not as strong as I've been in the past, but all the systems feel right, so I'm not planning on stopping.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Denis Faye, M.S.

I have no topic suggestions or questions but just wanted to say that I agree, Morocco is unreal and I really hope you brought a bike with you! Riding in the Atlas Mountains is 🤯. I was there in Oct and about to hit ‘publish’ on another post about my experience there... 🤗

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I wish that I'd had more time to do what you did. I read your story and it was amazing! Here it is!


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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Denis Faye, M.S.

I'll start specific and end broad -- I've been starting to see chatter online about the benefits of fenugreek, and there actually seems to be a bit of science behind it. What are your thoughts about this particular supplement and -- told you I'd get broad -- about herbal supplements in general? How do you go about vetting those, and are there any in particular you love/hate?

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Hey Todd - Sorry for the delay. This slipped by me. My only personal experience with fenugreek is when my ex-wife used it after our child was born as a lactation aid. It didn't do much.

I know I lean into science a bunch in my writing. That's partially force of habit and partially because I get called upon as a consultant to bunch to do this. But, in my real life, I'm a believer of holistic practices and herbal remedies as well. I use valerian root to help me sleep, peppermint to settle my stomach, and eucalyptus to clear my sinus, among other things.

If you want to take a scientific approach to herbs, I'd recommend letting someone else aggregate the research for you. Two great sources are the NCCIH website: https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/fenugreek

and Examine.com: https://examine.com/supplements/fenugreek/

But even if the science isn't there, as long as it's safe, just try it. Herbal supplements tend to be cheap and you never know. Sometimes stuff just works. Given the advances in personalized nutrition, this isn't voodoo. It's just a fact that different bodies respond differently.

I like Now Foods. They tend to make solid sups--and they make almost everything.

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